Anthony Southworth - Celebrating 30 Years in Business!
Anthony J. Southworth is a consultant specializing in Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (W.S.I.B) claims management services and W.S.I.B. financial management services to employers in Ontario. Anthony is also active in representing employers at W.S.I.B. appeal hearings and at Workplace Safety & Insurance Appeals Tribunal (W.S.I.A.T) hearings.
Anthony spent over six years at the W.S.I.B. While employed there, he served in the capacity of a Senior Adjudicator. He is one of the few independent consultants with hands-on W.S.I.B. adjudication experience.
Helping employers with their W.S.I.B needs since 1991.
Supporting the employers of Ontario while they navigate the W.S.I.B. “fog”. Helping to free up their valuable resources so they can do what they do best. Our team of professionals do this by offering a complete range of specialized services, reflecting our experience, knowledge and dedication.
Our Goals
Minimize costs associated with each claim.
Avoid penalty assessments through effective claims management.
Maximize experience rating rebate potential.
Provide professional representation at W.S.I.B. and W.S.I.A.T. hearings.
Increase your company’s understanding of the W.S.I.B. claims management system and the NEW Premium Rate Framework.
Reduce the time you invest in W.S.I.B. concerns by utilizing our experience of over 30 years.
“We would like to extend our thanks for the diligent effort your team has put forth to date on our behalf. The efforts with which produced such positive results for our company.”
“We are more than satisfied and pleased with Mr. Southworth’s efforts and accomplishments with the Board on our behalf and would highly
recommend his services.”
“We have found Mr. Southworth to be very knowledgeable about the internal workings of the Board and he has been of much assistance in resolving outstanding issues.”